The SimStack Workflow Platform links software for nano- and advanced
materials simulation to the demands of nano- and materials R&D in the industrial sector and renders complex workflows into market ready products on the basis of three innovative modules:
The SimStack Workflow Client is an easy-to-use graphical user interface for workflow execution by the end-user and features:
- Rapid prototyping by efficient incorporation of new scientific software and verification of data transfer between individual modules, and construction of complex re-usable workflows
- Drag-and-drop design, modification and extension of existing workflows with all essential functional elements such as iterators and loops using software packages from various sources
- Automated execution of workflows on remote computing resources in just a few clicks in combination with the SimStack Server
- Low maintenance and light end-user installation: Only the Workflow Client is installed at the end-user.
- Incorporation of modules from any source (academic codes or commercial tools) in less than an hour including the automated generation of a graphical user interface for any type of code.
The SimStack Server is the module on remote computational resources, either in-house or as on the cloud for on-demand SaaS (Software as a Service), providing the following advantages:
- Hidden complexity of job submission, monitoring and file transfer in combination with the SimStack Client
- On-demand scaling and pay-per-use of cloud resources eliminate up-front costs
- Limited time and cost for setup of modeling solutions, as only the SimStack Client is installed at the end-user, while complex software modules reside on the remote resource.
- Workflow developers can provide their SimStack based, market-ready workflow products in form of pay-per-use overlays on cloud computing resources. This generates an extensive network for developers of modeling solutions and end-users in industrial R&D.
The Simstack WaNo Architect (under development) is an intelligend graphical editor that:
- assists the incorporation of software into standardized Workflow active Nodes (WaNo)
- maximizes productivity of the developers while minimizing training periods
- provides an installation free test-bed in combination with the Simstack SimPack